The New Morse Dot by Studio Segers

July 2024
Category: Products

In 2023, mmcité introduced Morse code to public spaces. The Morse collection, which flows through the environment and adapts to the surrounding buildings, has already received several awards. Its creators from Studio Segers, Bob Segers and Tom Foyten, decided to expand the collection with the stand-alone element Morse Dot. They told us more about their Belgian background, the inspiration behind the Morse Dot, and their vision for its use in public spaces.

If We Couldn't See Morse Dot, How Would You Describe It to Us?
It is a stand-alone seating element suitable for every type of space. Public, semi-public, and private. Ideal for quick meetings, short lunches, people-watching, or moments of rest. A steel leg with a wooden seat transitions into a backrest and table in one. The swivel version becomes a playful element, appealing to both children and adults, awakening their hidden childhood joy.

You come from Belgium – can Belgians let loose in public spaces?
Belgians may seem to have a hard shell, but once you crack it open, you'll find a soft and pleasant taste – just like a coconut! Morse Dot will break through that shell. We honestly believe that everyone loves to play. The fun starts with gently rotating the piece and observing your surroundings, but it also comes with spinning it at full speed to test the force of gravity.

When did you come up with the idea to design a stand-alone type of seating?
The idea came about as we traveled from one meeting to another. This happens to us often. We find new ideas not at our desks, but during everyday moments. We were in a larger city, observing people, their behavior, and what they did in public spaces.

What did they do, and how did they behave?
They were having snacks, writing notes on their laptops, making phone calls, just sitting somewhere… In Italy, they have the concept of intermezzo – something that is an interlude, a kind of break. And Morse Dot is the ideal product for these moments.

Stand-alone elements started appearing in public spaces during Covid. Do you think they will remain long-term?
Covid did not influence our design of this product, at least we didn’t think about it that way at all. Life is constantly evolving and moving forward, along with our need to be outdoors. Our use of leisure time, as well as our movement around the city and commuting to work. These changes must be reflected in new tools, which must again be in harmony with our lifestyle.

Did you know from the beginning that you wanted to expand the Morse collection with Morse Dot?
Originally, this was not intended to be a product that would be part of the Morse collection. But the more we thought about it and the more concrete it became, the more it made sense to us. As a result, we naturally adopted all the materials from the Morse collection, unified the seats, heights, shapes, and resolved the details in the backrest with a natural transition into the table. This is the significant point of the Morse Dot.
